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Let’s explore Kirkland!

Here are some statistics about Kirkland, Washington:

  • Population: approximately 96,000 (2020 estimate)
  • Median Household Income: $112,025 (2019 estimate)
  • Median Home Value: $820,000 (2020 estimate)
  • Unemployment rate: 4.1% (December 2022)
  • Average temperatures: Highs of 50-60°F in the winter and 60-70°F in the summer.
  • Major industries: Technology, retail, and healthcare
  • Major employers: Google, Tableau Software, and Overlake Hospital Medical Center.

Note: These statistics may have changed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the economy.

Here are some highlights of Kirkland, Washington:

  1. Scenic location: Kirkland is located on the shores of Lake Washington, offering stunning views and access to outdoor recreation opportunities.
  2. Thriving economy: The city is home to several major corporations, including Google and Tableau Software, which provide significant economic benefits to the area.
  3. High quality of life: With its excellent schools, low crime rate, and beautiful natural surroundings, Kirkland is considered one of the best places to live in the United States.
  4. Outdoor recreation: The city offers numerous parks, marinas, and trails, as well as access to Lake Washington, which provides opportunities for boating, fishing, and water sports.
  5. Cultural attractions: Kirkland is home to the Kirkland Performance Center, which hosts a variety of cultural events and performances throughout the year.
  6. Proximity to Seattle: Located just 15 minutes from Seattle, Kirkland is a convenient location for those who want to enjoy the amenities of a big city while living in a more suburban setting.

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