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Let’s explore Olympia!

Here are some statistics about Olympia, Washington:

  • Population: approximately 51,000 (2020 estimate)
  • Median Household Income: $64,817 (2019 estimate)
  • Median Home Value: $364,600 (2020 estimate)
  • Unemployment rate: 4.3% (December 2022)
  • Average temperatures: Highs of 40-50°F in the winter and 60-70°F in the summer.
  • Major industries: State government, healthcare, and education
  • Major employers: State of Washington, Providence St. Peter Hospital, and the Olympia School District.

Note: These statistics may have changed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the economy.

Here are some highlights of Olympia, Washington:

  1. State capital: Olympia is the capital city of Washington State and is home to the state government, making it a hub of political activity and a center of power for the state.
  2. Thriving arts and culture scene: Olympia has a thriving arts and culture scene, with a variety of galleries, performance venues, and festivals throughout the year.
  3. Natural beauty: Olympia is surrounded by natural beauty, with access to the Olympic National Forest, Mount Rainier National Park, and the Puget Sound, offering residents a wealth of outdoor recreation opportunities.
  4. Strong education sector: Olympia is home to several colleges and universities, including The Evergreen State College, South Puget Sound Community College, and Saint Martin’s University, making it a hub for higher education in the region.
  5. Growing economy: With its strong state government sector, thriving healthcare and education industries, and growing tourism industry, Olympia has a strong and diverse economy, with a low unemployment rate and a growing population.
  6. Focus on sustainability: Olympia is known for its commitment to sustainability, with a variety of environmentally-friendly initiatives and a strong community focus on protecting the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

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